Izzeddin Teeti

Izzeddin Teeti

PhD Student in Computer Vision and Machine Learning

Oxford Brookes University


I am a PhD student at Oxford Brookes University, my main research is focused on Intention and Trajectory Prediction in Autonomous Vehicles. I am also engaged in applying machine learning in medical applications. I am using Continual Learning, Computational Theory of Mind, Transformers, and Graphs in my research.

Download my resumé.

  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Computer Vision
  • Machine Learning
  • Continual Learning
  • Autonomous Vehicles
  • PhD in Autonomous Vehicles Technologies

    Oxford Brookes University

  • MSc in Robotics

    King's College London

  • BSc in Mechanical Engineering

    American University of Madaba


  • [June 4th, 2023]: Our challenge titled ROAD-R: the Road Event Detection with Requirements Challenge is accepted at NeurIPS 2023 Competition Track.
  • [June 2nd, 2023]: I served as program Committee member at the Scalable Autonomous Driving Workshop at ICRA 2023.
  • [May 9th, 2023]: I served as organising committee member at Oxford Brookes University PGR Symposium 2023.
  • [April 7th, 2023]: Our workshop titled ROAD++ is accepted at ICCV 2023.
  • [November 1st, 2022]: I started my position as an Applied Science Intern at Amazon.
  • [July 28th, 2022]: I presented two papers at IJCAI 2022.
  • [July 20th, 2022]: I presented a paper at ICML 2022.
  • [July 16th, 2022]: I ranked the first in the Essay Competition at ICVSS 2022, and I was awarded an internship at Leonardo Labs in Rome.
  • [May 24th, 2022]: I received a travel and registration grant from IJCAI.
  • [May 24th, 2022]: I am accepted as a volunteer at IJCAI.


Applied Science Intern
Nov 2022 – Dec 2022 Berlin, Germany
  • I applied self-supervised machine learning models to improve damage detection in Amazon Fulfilment Centers.
  • I improved my skills in AWS (storage and computation), code review, and documentations.
Oxford Brookes Racing Autonomous Team
AI Project Lead
Oxford Brookes Racing Autonomous Team
Feb 2021 – Present Oxford, UK
  • Leading a team of 25 BSc and MSc students in developing an autonomous driving system for Formula-1 car. The team won 1st and 2nd places in UK IMechE Formula Student AI 2020 and 2021 competitions, respectively.
  • Writing the team’s yearly plan and milestones. Supervising budget, recruitment, and research&industry connections.
Al-Zaytona University of Science and Technology
Robotics Lecturer
Al-Zaytona University of Science and Technology
Sep 2020 – Jan 2021 Ramallah, Palestine
  • Delivered courses and supervised labs for the BSc Robotics programme.
  • Participated in modifying the BSc Robotics programme’s structure to include latest technology and suit market needs.
Alpha Omega Biomedical Engineering
Machine Learning Engineer
Alpha Omega Biomedical Engineering
Nov 2019 – Aug 2020 Nazareth
  • Applied LSTM to build a GPi-navigation software that classified microelectrode recordings series and detected the Striatum-GPe-GPi borders online in Parkinson’s disease, with an accuracy of 91.1%.
  • Worked inside the operating room with high credentials neurologists, observed the algorithm’s performance, recorded feedback, and modified the algorithm accordingly.
  • Worked within an AGILE environment and wrote the Software Requirements Specification (SRS) for the GPi-Navigation software.
Birzeit University
Research and Teaching Assistant
Birzeit University
Sep 2016 – Jun 2018 Ramallah, Palestine
  • Delivered laboratories, such as Control, Technical and Mechanical Drawing, Vibrations, Thermal Applications, Mechanics.
  • Designed experiments in the labs, and delivered professional skills workshops for the students.
  • Helped the department with administrative tasks and invigilate exams and tests.
Palestine Polytechnic University
Research and Teaching Assistant, Part-time
Palestine Polytechnic University
Sep 2017 – Jun 2018 Hebron, Palestine
  • Delivered Mechanical Drawing lab, and discussion lectures for Dynamics, Machines Dynamics, and Control Theory.

Recent Publications

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(2022). Self-Supervised Pretraining for Object Detection in Autonomous Driving. In AI4AD-IJCAI22.

PDF Cite

(2022). Vision in adverse weather: Augmentation using CycleGANs with various object detectors for robust perception in autonomous racing. In SL4AD @ ICML22.

PDF Cite Poster Slides Video

(2022). Vision-based Intention and Trajectory Prediction in Autonomous Vehicles: A Survey. In IJCAI22.

PDF Cite Slides Video

(2021). YOLO-Z: Improving small object detection in YOLOv5 for autonomous vehicles. In ROAD @ ICCV21.

PDF Cite Slides

(2021). Worsening Perception: Real-time Degradation of Autonomous Vehicle Perception Performance for Simulation of Adverse Weather Conditions. In SAE-CAV21.

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